Father, in the name of Jesus, I am acknowledging that I have sinned against myself and against you by defiling my body through the sexual sin of fornication.
Right now I need to repent of this offense and ask forgiveness of my sin. I am also repenting that I have defiled my former:
lover/husband/wife/partner by agreeing with him/her to commit the sin.
I ask for the Blood of Jesus to cleanse me from the sin of fornication.
Father God, as I commit to turn away and completely cease all sexual sin in
imagination and in action, I receive your forgiveness and I receive the power of the Blood of JESUS CHRIST to cleanse me from every defilement that comes with THE ACT of fornicating.
RIGHT NOW, IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I break the soul ties to my former lover/s (if there are several, you should break the soul ties by naming them one by one), former husband/former wife/former partner in the name of JESUS.
I also break all romantic and sexual memories that are attached to my emotions and my mind in the name of Jesus, of my former lover/former husband/former wife/former partner.
I cast down all residue of fantasy with my sexual encounter with my former lover/former husband/former wife/former partner in the name of Jesus.
I forgive my lover/partner for defiling my body in the name of Jesus. I forgive him/her for defiling my mind with all kinds of filthy and suggestive sexual words and language, in the name of Jesus.
Father, forgive me for defiling him/her as well. I ask,oh God, that you will bring healing and cleansing to my emotions, my mind and my body in the name of Jesus.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind every unclean spirit of lust, impurity, immorality and any other spirit to include: anger, rejection, unforgiveness, hatred, coldness, frigidity that entered into my body through fornication and I command them to be cast out and thrown into the abyss in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
I ask for the blood of Jesus to cover these doorways as I totally put a closure to all sexual sins in my life.
Father God, starting today, I declare that I will value purity and walk in holiness, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for your love, for your forgiveness, for the cleansing and the protecting power of the blood and my newly found freedom in the name of Jesus!
I BREAK THE CURSE of fornication in my life, in the name of Jesus! Completely submitting my body and renewing my mind in YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.
Thank you for healing my mind from the tormenting memories of my past, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Here is another prayer for a couple who are or about to be married and have committed the sin of fornication.
The purpose of this prayer is to reclaim a godly foundation in the marriage so that the curse of fornication will not be dragged into their married life.
*The prayer can be prayed by each one in different settings or it can be prayed together.
**The following prayer includes breaking of the curse that can result in physical barrenness for either the man or the woman.
Prayer to Break the Curse of Barrenness Because of Sexual Sin:
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I acknowledge that I have committed the sin of fornication with my fiancé... boyfriend...girlfriend.
I confess that I defiled my body through the sin of fornication. I ask for forgiveness, ABBA FATHER, for defiling myself. I repent of this sin and I turn away from it so that I will not be tempted again to do it. I confess that I have also defiled my fiancé/boyfriend /girlfriend’s body by fornicating with him/her.
Father, I ask for the Blood of Jesus to cleanse me from this sin.
I bind every unclean spirit of lust, impurity, and immorality that has entered into me because of this sin, in the name of Jesus.
I command these spirits to leave my body, emotions, and mind and to be cast into the deepest sea, in the name of Jesus.
I ask for the blood of Jesus to cover these doorways. I tear down the memories and thoughts of lovemaking and sexual encounters with my fiancé/boyfriend/girlfriend in the name of Jesus.
Father God, starting today I will walk in regenerated purity and value chastity.
Any curse that I have opened myself up to either in my womb (for ladies) or in my loins (for men) because of fornication, I ask for the Blood of Jesus to remove the power of the curse.
I break the curse of barrenness in my womb or loins in the name of Jesus. I ask for your blessing instead over my womb (for ladies) or loins (for men) in the name of Jesus. I bless my relationship with my covenant spouse or fiancé in the name of Jesus.
I declare a new beginning in our relationship in the name of Jesus!!!
Father, thank you for your love, for your forgiveness, for the blood of Jesus that cleanses and protects and for the new found freedom that we will enjoy! Thank you that you have removed our sin from us, in the name of Jesus!
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