Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Journal Entry: Christmas Day 2012

I finally hit my breaking point. 

Yesterday, December 24, 2012, in my own place of 'aloneness, hitting brick wall...after brick wall; I got frustrated,well no...let me keep this real, I got(respectfully) angry and said I just can't...I just can't any more...Lord.


I already determined, like the biblical Elisha, after his epically failed 'text message' confrontation with Jezebel, I too would go AWOL, run away to a deserted place, and hope to die. Not so much physically...as I know better ...but never the less...I wanted this heart of HIS, now beating incessantly in me to just... 


Monday, November 12, 2012

Healing Soul Wounds-AbrothasMinistry

-Definition: 1.Soul wounds-are injuries caused and inflicted on a person's soul by a sin of commission or omission; either by someone committing a sinful violation against your person or something we have or are doing that sinfully violates our own selves.
Psalm 147:3  HE heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds

Because these wounds are by origin caused by sin; they give the determined 'enemies of our souls' the legal right to torment both you and I.

Torment that can, ultimately manifest itself in physical diseases and maladies,as I quickly learned this lesson too...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Healing Soul Wounds:Part II


Bishop Tudor Bismark...one of the most dynamics speakers today exposing his own 'soul' wounds!

This is a life changing message for every believer, but for many brothas in Christ...it is straight manna from heaven!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The way to get real-life results in prayer is to seek God with an attitude that says, "No matter how long it takes, or whatever I have to do, I will not be denied..."

  • This is not arrogance, it’s Godly hunger.
  • It is not about pushing God, but about pushing yourself into God.
  • This is not praying for the sake of praying.
  • This is praying to see the hand of God move.
  • This is desperate hungry praying.
  • This is the type of prayer that gets answers.

Christian's and Politics...


What I humbly believe to be a Holy Spirit inspired insight into the Heart of OUR FATHER and HIS Kingdom perspective on how HIS family should influence this current environment and world system.The diatribe below was my reply to a forum hosted on Facebook by Pastor Eugene Brown in York, Pennsylvania, the day after the Presidential election.


I agree, Pastor, that as Christians we are clearly mandated to live far above the politics of hate and confrontation.

I humbly suggest we [do]take this a step higher... as our inheritance, citizenship, our core 'family values' are both dictated and truly established in another place [such an understatement] as such, we must exchange our perspective for HIS.

We [the Body of Christ] are guest (uninvited) in a world system that is not aligned with the value system of Heaven...by biblical example and precedent, from Daniel to the Living Word made manifest...the ordinance of Heaven, in the manner of government and politics is very simple to me now... our Christian political 'code of conduct' firmly established, demonstrated and confirmed by the testimonies of the likes of Joseph, Daniel, Meshach, Shedrach and Abednego...leading to the very example given us by our Sovereign and RISEN KING of KINGS...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pharisees and Snakes...

You know, I am growing increasingly disturbed with designated spiritual leaders and 'church folk' who remain more concerned, focused and consumed with judgement and condemnation over restoration and salvation, specifically in this political season!

My humble, submitted stand and CHALLENGE is this:

The law is clear...established and uncompromising [Matthew 5:17-18] 17.Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18.For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.]

As defined by 'The Bible' wrong is wrong...right is right. 

No debate (PERIOD).

THE punishment of death already predetermined and the pre-sentencing guidelines FINAL!

That has been [so] established:

[For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.Romans 6:23 KJV]


it JUST seems TOO many of 'us' have forgotten and some 'others' downright dismissed...THE GOSPEL...i.e. the 'Good News' for over 2000 years has been this...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

When I Became A Man...


So few of 'us' brothas really seem to get it... 

You just can’t get anywhere with God without coming clean and staying clean!

...in other words, not one person ever has been able to 'hustle' our CREATOR...

There is simply no substitute for absolute honesty of heart, whether it be about what you’re doing, what you’re feeling, or what you’re not doing or not feeling; or about anything else for that matter. And as far as that goes, you’re not going to do anything worthwhile in ANY avenue of life, apart from this irrefutable, time proven principle. Reason being that God is the judge of all the earth, and he has no respect for anything to the contrary, meaning deceit (Psm. 105:7; Isa. 5:20; Psm. 66:18; Jer. 9:4-9).

Too many folks have just gotten too far away from simplicity, endeavoring to have things the way they want to see them (Prov. 3:5; Prov. 21:2; Prov. 23:4).

Whatever it is brothas, call it what it is, and call it with a humble, sincere attitude!

   This truly is the foundation of being blessed!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Love the way this brotha speaks about the HEART of GOD's Plan!

Not always heavy....take a 5 minute break!

A Pastor Putting A Twist on Some Ole Skool

...a lil' bit different...but when you think about relationship....

If it ain't YOU...JESUS!

A Word of HOPE...For the brothas(and sistas too.)

Hopelessness is something that many deal with on a daily basis. I just received this prayer request minutes ago,“Heavenly Father please heal my family. I feel so alone.” One of satan’s biggest tools used on believers is hopelessness. If you are being honest, you have experienced hopelessness in your own life at some point, perhaps even as you read this. I’ll be honest with you, this week I was attack with hopelessness and it’s one of the worse feelings in the world.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

An Introduction to Jesus and a brotha...

It has been an interesting journey. 

'With over 15,000 'hits' since our brother site was erected on May 27, 2012...'

'Abrothasministry' was birthed out of pain, rejection and ultimate confirmation of the Most High God's prophetic call on this 'brothas' life.  I personally remember meeting Jesus when I was about 8 years old.  I talked to him, more than I talked to most people growing up.

I just always knew He was there...somewhere...
Growing up very isolated and seemingly rejected by family and peers alike, I went to college and that was the first time I came to understand HIS divine favor and, even moreso, later in life, as that favor increased, so did my achievements. 

As my 'worldly gain' increased, so did my utter lack of devotion and loyalty to my best friend, the true keeper and lover of my soul...Jesus Christ.